Make a gift that lasts.

Legacy Giving

Making a legacy gift is a powerful way to make a big impact for years to come. There are many ways to leave your legacy. Please contact us if we can provide any assistance in your gift and legacy planning.


By including a bequest to Pride Chorus Houston in your will or living trust, you are ensuring the chorus can continue its mission for years to come. Your gift also entitles your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction. You can use cash, appreciated securities, a percentage of your estate, or specific property. A bequest is private and you may change it at any time.

When making a gift in your will or trust, please sue the suggested bequest language.

 “I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to Pride Chorus Houston in Houston, Texas, EIN# 76-0319536, whose mailing address on the date of this will is P.O. Box 541004, Houston, Texas 77254, [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] to be used for general purposes (or specific purposes).”
 All gifts, large or small, work together to keep Pride Chorus Houston thriving for years to come and ensure we continue to be a safe and supportive space for the LGBTQ+ community. If our chorus’s message of love and inclusion resonate with you, we would love for you to consider including us in your estate plan.

Retirement Assets

You can name Pride Chorus Houston as a primary or contingent beneficiary on the beneficiary designation form for your retirement plan, including 401(k)s and IRAs. Contact your account custodian and ask how to fill out a beneficiary designation form. If you are of Required Minimum Distribution age, Qualified Charitable Donations from your retirement accounts can satisfy the RMD requirement and reduce your Adjusted Gross Income. This allows you to support PCH while satisfying RMD requirements!

POD Accounts

You can also name Pride Chorus Houston the beneficiary of certain bank and brokerage accounts. Via Payable on Death (POD) or Transfer on Death provisions in your account, assets can pass directly to Pride Chorus Houston upon passing, avoiding probate and saving time, money, and giving you peace of mind.

Life Insurance

Naming Pride Chorus Houston the beneficiary or even transferring ownership of your life insurance policy leverages the value of your policy. Contact your agent or insurer and make a long-term impact without the need for probate.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A Charitable Remainder Trust provides you or other named individuals income each year for life or a set period of time. When the trust ends, the assets of the trust are passed to Pride Chorus Houston. Benefits of a charitable remainder trust include a partial charitable income tax deduction, potential for increased income, and up-front capital gains tax opportunity.

Charitable Lead Trust

With this type of trust, Pride Chorus Houston is the recipient of the income stream from the trust for a specified term, after which the trust assets pass to the remainder beneficiary, most often the heirs. This can be a great option for those who want to support the chorus during their lifetime, but still provide for their loved ones in the future.


Monetary gifts to honor a loved one, given to Pride Chorus Houston, is a meaningful and lasting tribute to continue supporting our work.

Other ways to support

Online Giving

Make an online donation today! Visit our Support page to make a donation in less than 5 minutes. You can set up a one-time or recurring donation that will support the chorus all year long!

Stock Donations

When you donate appreciated stock, you may avoid tax on the gain while deducting 100% of the value of the contribution? That makes stock gifting one of the most tax-advantaged ways to give.


Advertising with PCH is a great way to connect with a targeted audience. You can have your business appear on our programs, website, and more. Contact us below to learn more about advertising opportunities.


Support PCH through Shopping you already do!

Link your Kroger Shoppers Card to our organization and earn valuable donations for PCH while you shop! Visit Kroger Community Rewards and follow the instructions to register your account and link it to Pride Chorus Houston. Be sure to scan your card or enter your alternate ID each time you check out to earn donations!


Financial reports can be found on Candid or here.